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Caring Companies Wanted For 3rd Annual Awards, List

Has your company stepped up and demonstrated support to the community over the past year?

If so, please let us know.

The Orange County Business Journal is currently taking nominations for the 2022 Companies that Care Awards.

It’s the third edition of our Companies that Care Awards; the Special Report highlights businesses, both OC-based and those with significant operations here, that have gone above and beyond to tackle a variety of challenging and pressing community issues.

Screened nominees will be featured on a list in the Special Report to be published on Dec. 19, 2022. In addition, the Special Report will include profiles of five standout companies selected by the Business Journal’s editorial team for their notable achievements in the prior year.


In the nomination process, companies are asked to report company dollars donated in Orange County, as well as in-kind donations.

There is a free response section asking for detailed philanthropic efforts and accomplishments of the company.

Nominations can be made by the companies themselves, or by an organization that has benefitted from a company’s giving. The deadline to submit is Nov. 22, 2022.

Website, Contact

The online form to submit for consideration is at www.ocbj.com/2022-companies-that-care.

For more information, contact Director of Advertising & Marketing, Sumer Bowles at sbowles@ocbj.com.

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